by WaterStone Review | Sep 26, 2023 | featuredpost
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Jean McDonough Your nonfiction piece, “Vanishing Point,” expertly braids painting and Cubism techniques, specifically Picasso’s Guernica, with a turbulent childhood, layered within the reality and metaphor of driving....
by WaterStone Review | Sep 6, 2023 | featuredpost
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Michael Garrigan In your poem, “The River, A Ghost,” I love that you give us several fourth-wall breaks that jar us out of the river imagery. When did the inspiration for equating a “river in drought” to struggles with...
by WaterStone Review | Aug 30, 2023 | featuredpost
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Jennifer Huang “Shoreline” is a beautiful poem that opens V25 and speaks to generational longing. What was the impetus behind this poem? I love how you put it—”generational longing”—because that feels so...