by WaterStone Review | Jul 30, 2024 | blog: all
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Robert Grunst There’s a beautiful peace in your poem “Blue Aster Seeds” that draws the reader into this moment of watching seeds whirl. I love how it takes a moment—a breath of air and seeds—and creates an entire...
by WaterStone Review | Apr 16, 2024 | blog: all
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Jennifer Martelli “The Hunter,” is a beautiful poem that uses many sensory images; you bring us to this ideal summer’s eve in the work. When did you first start writing this piece, and where did the spark to write it...
by WaterStone Review | Jan 2, 2024 | blog: all
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Todd Davis Your poem, “Deposition: What Was Lost,” brings grief to the page with gentle, yet visceral, imagery, blending every other phrase with life and death. There’s a very cyclical feeling to the poem with these...
by WaterStone Review | Sep 6, 2023 | featuredpost
In The Field: Conversations With Our Contributors—Michael Garrigan In your poem, “The River, A Ghost,” I love that you give us several fourth-wall breaks that jar us out of the river imagery. When did the inspiration for equating a “river in drought” to struggles with...